Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Interview With Clown From Croatia!

Interview With Clown From Croatia!

Clown took some time to talk to in Croatia before the band's historic first performance in Croatia. He talked about their current tour, Slipknot and many more interesting things.

Here’s a little part of it… Looking back in the last ten years with Slipknot, if you had the chance would you change anything?

Shawn Crahan: I probably wouldn't have done it (laughs). I'm the oldest in the band, I have four kids and a wife and I missed all those years. I definately wouldn't change anything because that would have affected where we are now, we are exactly where we want to be. We wanted it to be hard because then we know we're working. We worked hard and we've never given up, It's all original members, all original concept with the same show and intensity.

For more Slipknot news go at:

CrazyTan \m/**\m/