Trivium: Travis interview + Paolo interview!

Check out this new interview with Travis on 89.7 TwinCitiesFM from Perth, Australia…
Travis interview on 89.7 TwinCitiesFM (Perth Australia)
Also, Paolo made an interview with where he’s been ask 13 questions about him…curious to know the answer?
Here’s some of them…
UMM: Tell our readers one thing about each member, that they would otherwise not know.
Paolo: Matt is half Japanese, Travis loves country music, Corey can and will drink a whole bottle of vodka if the occasion calls for it, and I love soccer and played from the age of 3 up till the end of high school.
UMM: What are your favourite and/or least favourite things about Canada?
Paolo: There are a lot of hot Canadian women, that is a fact. Not just like celebrity imports to the USA, but like all around. I hate the border crossing, it feels like a strip search is imminent (I am sure the feeling is mutual) at any moment, but I know that when I get to the other side people are bit more friendly and the ladies are looking good.
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